Explore projects
Python helper classes to read and browse concepts and terms from TheSoz (thesaurus for the social sciences)
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This repository contains code for the TKDE 2020 paper A Comparative Study for Unsupervised Network Representation Learning https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8890798
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Do experiments on Cora, CiteSeer,Pubmed,CoraFull, Coauthor CS, Coauthor Physics,Amazon Computers and Amazon Photo. I use almost same setting with paper and run each algorithm(GCN,SGC,GAT) on each dataset 10 times. Then I compute mean and std vaules.
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This is a Pytorch implementation of paper: DropEdge: Towards Deep Graph Convolutional Networks on Node Classification
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Learning Discrete Structures for Graph Neural Networks (TensorFlow implementation)
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PyTorch code of "SLAPS: Self-Supervision Improves Structure Learning for Graph Neural Networks"
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Code and data for the submission: ``A multitask transfer learning framework for the prediction of virus-human protein-protein interactions''
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A convolutional multitask framework for miRNA-disease association prediction
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Code and data for the MPM model ``A Message Passing framework with multiple data integration for miRNA-disease association prediction''
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